
Þingvellir National Park is located about an hour and a quarter's drive to the east of Reykjavík, here you can see the canyon caused by the Eurasian and north American plates moving apart. It is also home to the original Alþingi Parliament and several other cultural treasures. These factors have seen it added to the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Gullfoss A spectacular waterfall which translates as Golden Falls and one of the nearest big waterfalls to Reykjavík

Geysir Geothermal hot spot

The first three are normally all included on the Golden Circle tour, a one-day circuit which can be done by coach trip or hire car.

Hafnarfjörður is a town just outside Reykjavík

Blue Lagoon Bláa Lonið in Icelandic is a famous geothermal spa south-west of Reykjavík, not far from the main airport at Keflavík.

By booking a trans-Atlantic ticket on Icelandair with a free "stop-over" of up to a week in Reykjavík, you can follow a visit to Iceland with a visit to London, Paris, Glasgow, Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, or another city in Europe, or to Washington, D.C., Boston, Orlando, New York, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Seattle, or another U.S. city. Icelandair also offers direct flights from KEF Reykjavik to Toronto and Halifax, Canada.